The hybrid system of Magnesium-containing implant is developed for fracture fixation. This innovative implant consists of a modified implant, such as intramedullary nail (IM nail) and compression plate with drill holes, and self-locking Magnesium (Mg) plugs. These Mg plugs are biodegradable and the released Mg ions can stimulate and facilitate fracture healing.
Problem to be solved:
Fractures take a long time to heal completely. Patients often have conditions, such as osteoporosis, that leads to decrease in healing potential. Our novel hybrid system provides an innovative solution to improve the healing process and shorten the healing duration.
Fracture fixation, and other orthopaedic implants (e.g. interference screw and etc.) to enhance the healing of injuries
Target Users:
Patients with diaphyseal fracture, especially for those with conditions that lead to decrease in regeneration potential

Uniqueness and Competitive Advantages:
Incorporating Mg with the conventional implants can enhance the healing quality of fracture. The degradation of Mg plug promotes bone formation and facilitates fracture healing.