In the course of learning English as a Second Language, English speaking skills and pronunciation often become a major challenge for students due to the lack of a natural English-speaking environment and insufficient opportunities to communicate in English. Our centre develops The Gamified Vocabulary Platform which aims to utilize the mobile technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) to help students practice the pronunciation of English vocabulary words. To cater for the learning and teaching styles in each school, teachers can create their own pre-defined vocabulary lists, according to different units in the curriculum and the specific level of their students. Students can practice pronouncing the English words in a game-based environment with their mobile phones.
Problem to be solved:
- Encourage students to read English vocabulary words aloud
- Increase students motivation in learning English
- Provide an authoring tool for teachers to tailor-made vocabulary lists for each lesson
- Learning and teaching of English language
Target Users:
- Primary and secondary school students

Uniqueness and Competitive Advantages:
- Provide a gamified learning environment for speaking English
- Easy-to-use, stress-free and fun
- Students can either use this platform before (flipped classroom) or after (assessment) an English Lesson
- Allow teachers to efficiently assess each student
- Support Android and iOS (under development)