This project aims to develop next-generation ultrafast 3D bio-imaging and lithographic microfabrication technologies, i.e., an integrated tissue scaffold 3D printing and imaging platform. We will utilize a high throughput tomographic phase microscopy (TPM) for monitoring scaffold formation and tissue growth and develop super-resolution imaging for monitoring cell redox in vivo.

Uniqueness and Competitive Advantages:
- The cost of 3D printing platform is low, but have a high resolution.
- It combines high throughput and spatial resolution.
- Our tomographic phase microscopy (TPM) is capable of ultra-fast 3D imaging, which can meet the 3D printing and in situ monitoring demand.
- Our integrated platform can perform multimodal imaging, including multi-photon temporal focusing microscopy, tomographic phase microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging and 3D structured illumination microscopy. These modalities together can offer a more complete information of the biological structures and their physiological processes.